Fluidized Bed Gasification

Fluidized Bed Gasification: A Smarter Solution for Biosolids Management

Ever wondered what happens after you flush? It doesn’t just disappear—it becomes biosolids, a byproduct of wastewater treatment. Traditional disposal methods have limitations, but Aries Clean Technologies is pioneering a better way with our patented fluidized bed gasification technology.

How It Works:

1. Biosolids arrive at our enclosed facility, where odors are contained with negative air pressure.
2. Energy-efficient dryers prepare the material for gasification.
3. Our patented gasification system transforms biosolids into renewable energy and valuable byproducts in an oxygen-starved environment.
4. A closed-loop process captures and recycles heat, reducing waste and maximizing energy efficiency.

Our technology doesn’t just convert biosolids—it destroys harmful chemicals like PFAS, significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and helps municipalities create healthier, more sustainable communities.

See How It Works In Our Latest Video:

Fluidized Bed Gasification is a process that converts carbon-containing waste material into a synthetic fuel gas, along with a very small amount of inert char. Biosolids are fed into the gasifier and a controlled amount of oxygen is introduced. Once necessary temperatures are achieved, a thermo-chemical process converts the biomass into a combustible syngas primarily composed of carbon monoxide, hydrogen, and methane. This sustainable fuel can be used to produce heat  in a commercial dryer to remove moisture from the biosolids. The system can cleanly reduce biosolids volume by as much as 95%.

Financial Benefits

  • Competitive biosolids disposal cost, including reduced tipping fees and transportation costs.
  • Compliance with government regulations and avoidance of fines imposed for non-compliant disposal practices.
  • Energy production (electrical or thermal) and its offset of current costs, as well as additional monetary value of utilizing sustainable/renewable power.

Beneficial Byproducts

  • Clean energy – syngas, a synthetic fuel gas for industrial use, and
  • Bio-Fly-Ash™ – a beneficial byproduct with various applications in industrial and manufactured products.

Sustainability Benefits

  • Achieving zero landfill and/or land application goals for industry and municipalities.
  • Reducing carbon footprints. New green energy production measurably offsets former use of fossil fuels. Locating a gasifier near wastewater treatment plants reduces biosolids  trucking requirements, which  in turn reduces CO2 generation by thousands of tons per year. These carbon and greenhouse gas reductions are calculated using EPA standards.

Energy Applications

Syngas produced by our Fluidized Bed systems can be used as the energy source to dry biosolids, utilizing conventional industrial gas-powered drying technology.