
Partnering with Municipalities for Sustainable Solutions 

At Aries Clean Technologies, we understand the critical role that municipalities play in managing biosolids and protecting the environment. Our innovative gasification technology offers municipalities a sustainable and effective solution for biosolids disposal, transforming waste into valuable resources and ensuring cleaner, healthier communities. 

Why Choose Aries Clean Technologies? 

Our purpose is clear: to provide innovative, environmentally-friendly solutions that address the challenges of biosolids waste disposal. We aim to create a positive impact on the environment and the communities we serve by:

  1. PFAS Elimination: We tackle the growing concern of PFAS contamination head-on. Our high-temperature gasification process effectively destroys PFAS compounds, preventing them from entering the environment and safeguarding public health. 
  2. Comprehensive Biosolids Management: Our gasification technology provides a comprehensive solution for the disposal of municipal biosolids, converting waste into renewable energy and valuable byproducts like biochar. This process not only reduces waste volume by 95% but also minimizes a municipality’s environmental footprint. 
  3. Environmental Compliance: Aries’ technology ensures compliance with stringent environmental regulations. By partnering with us, municipalities can meet and exceed regulatory standards, contributing to a cleaner environment. 
  4. Local Job Creation: Establishing gasification plants creates local job opportunities, from construction and operations to ongoing maintenance. This stimulates economic growth and supports the community. Our facilities also purchase local goods and services in the communities where we are located.
  5. Community Health and Safety: By protecting air quality and eliminating compounds of concern in biosolids, our technology contributes to the health and safety of the communities we serve. 

Our Commitment to Municipalities 

At Aries Clean Technologies, we are committed to partnering with municipalities to deliver sustainable biosolids management solutions. Our goal is to help you achieve your environmental and economic objectives while enhancing the quality of life for your residents. With our expertise and innovative technology, we provide reliable, efficient, and eco-friendly solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of municipalities. 

Join Us in Building a Sustainable Future 

We invite municipalities to join us in our mission to create a sustainable future. Together, we can transform biosolids management practices, protect the environment, and promote public health. Contact us today to learn more about how Aries Clean Technologies can support your municipality with our advanced gasification technology. 

Visit our projects page to learn more about our current projects and future plans. 

By partnering with Aries Clean Technologies, municipalities can lead the way in sustainable waste management, setting an example for environmental stewardship and innovation. Let’s make a positive impact together.